902-838-4000​ office@peilife.ca


Lobster season on PEI is just ONE sleep away! Setting day typically happens on April 30th or later (dependent on ice conditions). But this year it’s been decided to set traps today, 26th of April. There is no ice this year so the fisher folk are off to an early start.

The past several weeks it’s not been unusual to spot lobster boats being hauled down our roads to fill the local harbours and trucks and trailers loaded with lobster traps making their way to the wharf to be readied for ‘setting day’.

It is a very exciting and busy time of year here on PEI!! For the fishermen AND for all of us ‘lobster lovers’!!

There will be many folks lining the harbours to watch the boats head out to sea. So get up bright and early on setting day and head to your nearest harbour. Best to arrive just before sunrise. The boats leaving the harbour make perfect photo ops for all you photographers out there so be sure to take your camera.

Also at some point during the season if the opportunity presents itself make sure to head out on a boat for a morning of lobster fishing! It is a fantastic experience. Check out Youtube to find many videos that take you out on the water for a typical day of hauling traps.

If you love lobsters like we do you will be looking forward to having your first taste of the season. Put the pot on… melt some butter (and garlic if you like) and prepare for a feast!

PEI’s own Chef Michael Smith states that: Lobsters are one of the tastiest and most festive ingredients from Prince Edward Island. A feed of lobsters is an instant occasion, a special treat and a tasty connection to the island. Read on

Stop in at his website to view some of Chef Michael’s great lobster recipes.

Baffled by how to actually cook a lobster in the shell? Visit LobsterPEI for a variety of suggestions.

And getting to the meat itself can be tricky too. This Youtube video will show you the way.

Now that the table is set and the lobster ready for eating it’s time to call your family and friends and enjoy!! Our favourite side dishes to serve are potato salad and fresh bread or biscuits. Let the lobster be the star of the party. And don’t forget your favourite beverage! And you’re probably going to need a napkin (or three)!
